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Season's Greetings

Published: Thursday 16 December 2021

Season’s Greetings from the Homesearch Team.  Properties will be advertised on our website all over the Christmas and New Year holidays.  Please continue to check and bid for any suitable properties.

Do you know someone over 55 years struggling in their own home?

Published: Thursday 30 September 2021

Are you, or do you know someone who is struggling in their own home? Are they aged over 55yrs?

If so they could be eligible for sheltered housing through Homesearch. You can apply for sheltered housing no matter what your financial circumstances, and irrespective of whether you live in a home you own, privately rented accomodation or in social housing. So if you are struggling with your stairs, or can't manage the garden any more, or know someone who is please get in touch with us on 01225 396118.

Sheltered properties are for older or disabled applicants who have support needs but wish to live independently. Properties are typically one bedroom bungalows or flats and have wardens on site or an assistance alarm system.

If an applicant lives in a social housing property that is now to big for them, and are downsizing to a sheltered flat or bungalow you could also get extra priority for a quicker move in order that your current home can be offered to one of the many families on our waiting list. 

We need hosts!

Published: Sunday 5 September 2021

Nightstop is a scheme to help homeless young people by providing accommodation in private households with lots of support. The scheme is provided by the YMCA and supported by the Council’s Housing services.

We are looking for new host households to accommodate homeless young people and are running a drop-in event on Tuesday 14th of September between, 15:00- 18:30. This will be at the YMCA at Broad Street, Bath, BA1 5LH.

If you are interested to hear more, please drop-in that afternoon, or contact the YMCA directly by E-mail,

Lettings information 2019/20

Published: Wednesday 25 August 2021

In 2019/2020 we had around 5590 Households on the register waiting for social housing. During the same year we advertised 818 properties. Demand far outstrips supply in our area.

Looking for a place to rent in the private sector is one of the quickest ways of finding somewhere to live.  Some private tenancies are furnished which makes it easier to set up your first home.  If your income is low there are several private sector access schemes that can help you. Our dedicated Private Rented Officer, Anne, is committed to assisting people find a home. Let Anne help you access a wider range of private rented properties and maximise your chances of being accepted as a tenant.

Please contact Homesearch on 01225 396118 or Housing Options on 01225 396296.

Homesearch Website update - success

Published: Monday 14 June 2021

Bath and North East Somerset Council have upgraded the Homesearch website, this went live on 11th June 2021. Properties are being advertised as normal this week.

The upgrade will enable us to introduce various improvements including the new fully accessible version for your mobile phone