Homesearch Newbridge Hill Flats for NHS Keyworkers in the Newbridge Electoral Ward
Published: Monday 12 December 2022.jpg)
Homesearch will be advertising Newbridge Hill Keyworker flats for the next three weeks. Please place your bid through your Homesearch account. Priority will be given to Keyworkers in the Newbridge Electoral Ward.
The first affordable homes for social rent owned directly by Bath and North East Somerset Council in nearly three decades are being advertised to potential tenants.
The former council offices at 117 Newbridge Hill have been converted by the council’s housing company Aequus Construction into seven one and two-bed affordable and energy efficient apartments.
The development is one of the first steps in Bath and North East Somerset’s initial £12m ‘B&NES Homes’ programme, which will provide the first 58 general needs council houses for rent to help met the demand for affordable homes in the area.
Councillor Tom Davies, cabinet member for Adult Services and Council House Building said: "The seven apartments available in 117 Newbridge Hill are the first general needs council houses provided by the council for a generation and represent the start of the council's 'B&NES Homes' programme to directly deliver low-cost homes in our area. Councillors heard recently that the future pipeline of homes which will be delivered through the council's 'B&NES Homes' programme already totals nearly 200 properties and this demonstrates the council's commitment to play a direct role in the delivery of new low-cost homes which will transform the lives of the residents who live in them."
In line with the council’s Climate and Emergency commitments the refurbishment of the building included improved sustainability measures to lower the building’s carbon footprint such as replacement windows, additional insultation and low energy lighting. The development will also have electric vehicle charging points and cycle docks.
The apartments will be available through Homesearch, the council’s housing allocation scheme for social rent homes and low-cost home ownership in B&NES. They will be on Homesearch from 16 December for three weeks until 10 January.
Given the proximity to the RUH and the current demands on the NHS and its staff, the flats are initially to be prioritised for National Health Service staff working in the electoral ward of Newbridge.
The full details will be on the Homesearch website from 16 December:
The photo shows Councillor Kevin Guy, leader of the council, Tim Richens, managing director of Aequus Group and Councillor Tom Davies, cabinet member for Adult Services and Council House Building.